National Service of Geology and Mineral Resources of Ukraine has published a list of deposits of potassium and magnesium salts Ukraine
15 August 2014
August 12 on the official website of the State Service of Geology and Mineral Resources of Ukraine published the list of deposits of potassium and magnesium salts Ukraine.
Deposits of potassium and magnesium salts Ukraine
The largest deposits of potash and magnesium salts in Ukraine found in the Carpathian Basin kaliyenosnomu. They belong to Kalush layers Stebnytska and vorotyschenskoyi world Neogene and occur as lenticular bodies and Sheet capacity from 3 to 120 m. Potassium oxide content in them varies from 9 to 21%. Most of these stocks are at depths of 600-700 m.
Currently, the proven reserves of salt is about 411 million. Tons, including zabalansovi - 27.1 million. Tons. Balance reserves of industrial categories in all fields Carpathians meet the projected resources categories P1 and part of C2, which is about 44 million. Tons. Proper mineral resources meet the needs of Ukraine in potassium-magnesium raw material by only 50%. Much of it is imported from the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation. State balance of mineral reserves accounted for 13 deposits of potassium and magnesium salts, the total number of stocks which as of 01.01.2014 y. Include categories (thousand. Tons):
A + B + C1: salt - 2349989; C2: salt - 1252280; zabalansovi: salt - 255 132;
K2O - 250 199; K2O - 133 688; K2O - 27143;
Potassium salt. Kalush-Golinskii potash deposit (section Dabrowa)
Potash deposits deposits deposits are confined to the lower Miocene nyzhnobalytskoyi worlds, known under the local name - kaliyenosna world, and are a complex mix of potassium, preferably sulfuric acid salts that create kaliyenosnu seating capacity of 150-200 m. Kaliyenosni Quaternary deposits overlapping entities represented loam and gravel total capacity 5,0-30,0 m. touch with them and salt deposits occur zahipsovani gray clay - gypsum-clay "Shlyapa" capacity which ranges from 3 to 30 m. Among the species found karst crater diameter from 0.3 to 1.0 m, which are filled with sand and pebbles riznozernystym. The pattern of distribution is not installed.
The chemical composition of salt deposits Dombrowski (land) belong to the class of chloride sulfates, sulfates less, even less potassium chloride, magnesium and calcium.
Stocks potash approved GCS USSR (№2517 protocol of 27.12.1958 y.) Followed by the number (thousands. Etc.) by category:
Raw salt (red): A - 19825; B - 28006; C1 - 38 608; A + B + C1 - 86 439;
K2O: A - 2091; B - 2994; C1 - 3862; A + B + C1 - 8947;
MgO (associated minerals): A - 1771; B - 2522; C1 - 3620; A + B + C1 - 7913;
K2O content in the ore - 10,0-10,69%; MgO - 8,93-9,38%.
On the basis of this deposit at the time was built a large Kalush Enrichment Plant (now JSC "Oriana") capacity of 2.2 million. Tons of ore per year. However, outdated technology produced raw materials and lack of resources for its renovation resulted in declining production and loss of salt and then complete cessation of production activities due to intense pollution.
According to the State balance "potassium salt" residual deposits of potassium salts Dombrowski area as of 01.01.2010 up into categories thousand. Tons:
Raw salt (red): A - 451; B - 31270; C1 - 574; A + B + C1 - 32295;
K2O: A - 219; B - 3722; C1 - 126; A + B + C1 - 4067.
Currently, the company is not working.
Plot trough
In the field trough has two potash horizons - top and bottom, separated by layers of salt clay power from 14 to 94 m. Quaternary salt sediments overlapping loam and gravel with a total capacity of 6 to 40 m. Touch and quaternary salt deposits overlie gray zahipsovani clay - hipsohlynysta "Shlyapa" capacity which ranges from 20 to 50 m. pidstelyayuchyh species classified marl Stebnytska worlds.
The salts are characterized by a mixed composition. The main rock-forming minerals are Cain (17%); Silvin (12%) and halite (43%). Less common kieserite, lanhbeynit, Polygal, shenity. K2O content varies from 0.7 to 20%, and MgO - from 1 to 41%.
Salt deposits of classified sulfates, chlorides, sulfates and chlorides of potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, whose content is: K - 3 to 29%, Na - from 9 to 26%, Mg - from 0.1 to 15% Ca - from 0.2 to 7.6%.
The content of water insoluble residue ranges from 3 to 39%.
Deposit trough complex.
Stocks potash deposits swipes approved GCS USSR (№2954 protocol of 02.04.1960 y.) Followed by the number (thousands. Etc.) by category:
Raw salt (red): A - 23158; B - 75 661; C1 - 260 011; A + B + C1 - 358 830; OBS - 5267.
K2O: A - 3026; B - 8720; C1 - 27 871; A + B + C1 - 39617; OBS - 528.
MgO (associated minerals): A - 918; B - 4215; C1 - 13365; A + B + C1 - 18498; OBS - 396.
deposit Kadobna
Kadobna deposit of potassium salts (mixed type) is located 4 km east of the town Kropyvnyk Kalush district, Ivano-Frankivsk Region, 10 km north-east of the railway station Kalush. The deposits of potassium salts are the layers or lenses up to 3.5 km and a width from 300 m to 2 km. Power recovery - from a few meters to tens.
To overburden rocks include quaternary sands, gravels (up to 20 m) and strokatobarvna pack - clay, siltstones and sandstones (capacity 58 m). Salts explored deposits classified as sulfates, chlorides, sulfates and chlorides of potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, whose content is: K - 3 to 29%, Na - from 9 to 26%, Mg - from 0.1 to 15% Ca - from 0.2 to 7.6%.
The content of water insoluble residue ranges from 3 to 39%. Near field Kadobny possible development of open beds of potash salts. Stocks potash approved GCS USSR (protocol number 2954 of 04.02.1960 y.) Quantity (tons) by Category C1: red - 8447; salt - 899.
K2O content in the ore - 10.64%.
Deposit Kadobna the State balance "potassium salt" never before has been developed not developed and currently supplies potassium salt remained unchanged.
A large deposit Tour
Salt deposits on the search area are Great Tour salt clay, sandstone and sandstone-arhilitovymy breccia, layers of rock and potassium salts. The lower part of salt Highlight lesser and middle and upper - zasolonennya greater degree. The lower horizons Highlight clay composite salt breccia containing halite and 30% gray interbedded mudstones and sandstones brekchyruvanyh, at least - of rock and potassium salts. Medium and upper layers stacked thick (100-150 m) layers of rock and potash and salt brekchiy containing halite to 60%. Potassium salt form Sheet and lenticular deposits of complex structure, which are confined to two kaliyenosnyh horizons - lower and upper.
In the south of Tours to the Great Wide Field and further to the south and southeast of salt deposits increased power and reaches around 600m. In this direction, the increased thickness of layers of stone salts from 3.5 m to 10.3 m or more. As a result of search operations conducted Lviv geological expedition trust "Kyyivheolohiya" explored reserves of potash are: red - 25 257 thousand. Tons; K2O - 2717 thousand. Tons per category C1.
Trostjanets deposit
In the search area Trostianets within two kaliyenosnyh horizons are three layers of potash. The largest industrial interest potash layer 1 (top) traced in the stretch of 3 km, falling - at 500-800 m. This layer composed of professional lanhbeynitovymy salts, has a vertical capacity of 3.5 m in the upwelling zone to 233.3 m in central area. The actual capacity of the reservoir is 120 m. Oxide content of potassium salts lanhbeynitovyh this layer ranges from 0.7 to 15.98% on average - 11.7%.
Potassium second layer (middle), which lies at the foot of the upper kaliyenosnoho horizon has a vertical power 4,5-8,1 m, traced in the stretch of 1 km, fall - 600 m. Mineralogical composition of sulfate salts represented by K and Mg mixed composition. K2O content of salts in this layer is 7.76%. Industrial value layer is not.
Third potash layer (bottom), which lies at the bottom of salt deposits, has a complex structure - one reservoir capacity 36.5 m, it is split into two segments, capacity 8.2 and 4.0 m, separated by a poor area vkraplenosti potassium salts (K2O content of 5-7%), capacity 27.6 m. third layer composed potassium salts of mixed composition. Potassium oxide content is 9.3%.
As a result of search operations conducted Lviv geological expedition trust "Kyyivheolohiya" explored reserves of potash are:
raw salt (red) - 92500 thousand. tons .;
K2O - 10500 thousand. Tonnes for categories C1 and crude salt (red) - 252 600 thousand. Tons .;
K2O -29 500 thousand. Tons per category C2.
15 August 2014