Articles - Page 2
January 8, 2015
"Terminal" № 2
December 2, 2014
"Terminal" № 47 (737) on November 24, 2014
Economic and political collapse of the extremely complicated operation of companies that are engaged in the production and implementation of such a valuable resource as gas. However, the Ukrainian government has decided to add to their already savory life a contribution by adopting a resolution on November 7 №596, who are obliged to industrial, energy and heat generating companies go for the purchase of natural gas exclusively from "Naftogaz of Ukraine".
After the revolution, the openness of the Ukrainian government has reached the point that "the State Geological Information Fund of Ukraine" published on your page list of all the companies that have special permission for the development of mineral resources in the country. A list of relevant as of August 2014. Among the owners of licenses for oil and gas, which gives the State Service of Geology and subsoil (Gosgeonedra), we counted 108 individual companies. The first part 70 of publishing them. Companies are ranked on the number of valid licenses.
Research Center for Regional Cooperation for the "Ukrainian Energy"