Articles - Page 2

Subsoil 2014. Emergency motions
January 15, 2015
Roman Storozhev, "Terminal" № 1 (743) on January 5, 2015
If a couple of years ago to take stock of the mining industry has been difficult because of the closeness of the information is already public in 2014 were not only senior managers of most oil and gas companies, but officials in geology. As a result of the emergence of public dialogue among subsoil users, including international geological organizations, for the first time in Ukraine has become available on-line digital information about the special permit for subsoil use and mining companies have been actively speak out about planned innovations in the industry, making, thus agenda regulators questions regarding these or other problems in the industry.
Look into the oil future

January 8, 2015
"Terminal" № 2

The past year marked a record for the last five years fall in oil futures. While the "black gold" clearly lost in value, some states counted loss, others - profit. Falling oil prices brought about changes in the plans of the major geopolitical players. What will happen next?

December 2, 2014

Reduction of Ukraine's dependence on hydrocarbon imports is impossible without attracting large private investments in oil and gas production. At the same time, the state policy in the sphere of subsoil use still causes a lot of complaints from investors. The current system in the country to use subsoil does not meet current world trends, and adopted in the current year non-market mechanisms for regulating relations, in particular between suppliers and consumers of natural gas in general can lead to a decline in its production.
Trouble has come - it pours

"Terminal" № 47 (737) on November 24, 2014

Economic and political collapse of the extremely complicated operation of companies that are engaged in the production and implementation of such a valuable resource as gas. However, the Ukrainian government has decided to add to their already savory life a contribution by adopting a resolution on November 7 №596, who are obliged to industrial, energy and heat generating companies go for the purchase of natural gas exclusively from "Naftogaz of Ukraine".

Who fed by the bowels of Ukraine

After the revolution, the openness of the Ukrainian government has reached the point that "the State Geological Information Fund of Ukraine" published on your page list of all the companies that have special permission for the development of mineral resources in the country. A list of relevant as of August 2014. Among the owners of licenses for oil and gas, which gives the State Service of Geology and subsoil (Gosgeonedra), we counted 108 individual companies. The first part 70 of publishing them. Companies are ranked on the number of valid licenses.

For the development of hydrocarbon production Ukraine should create a flexible system of taxation of subsoil users
August, 2014
In the long-term tax policy of Ukraine should be the most stable and economically motivated to ensure the investment attractiveness of the industry. In the context of the termination of the energy supply (eg, natural gas) from the Russian Federation to Ukraine actualized the issue of increasing domestic production and the dynamic development of the primary sector of the economy.
Under the terms of openness
October 14, 2014
"Energobusiness", №41 (879)
In October 2014 marks exactly one year as Ukraine has received the status of candidate country Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, EITI). According to the decision of the Board Initiative, Ukraine should implement the necessary reforms in the subsoil and publish its first report on the implementation of EITI to 17/10/15.
Think long-term
August 19, 2014
The system of taxation of subsoil users in Ukraine has changed: 07/31/14, Parliament approved amendments to the Tax Code, which resulted in increased rates twice as rent payments for oil, gas and condensate. Such measures may be forced to bring in additional state budget 4.8 billion USD, due to which the plan to ensure that the military needs.
Europe in search of a new strategy for energy security
June 18, 2014
Research Center for Regional Cooperation for the "Ukrainian Energy"
In response to the political crisis in Ukraine and the threat of compromising the stability of energy supplies to the EU on 28 May, the European Commission adopted a draft of a new strategy for energy security of the EU.
Drilling in public places
July 29, 2014
UK authorities lifted a ban on the production of shale gas in the country. For the development of shale gas is now open for almost half of its territory, including several large cities and even national parks.