April 6, People's Deputy of Ukraine, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Energy, Nuclear Policy and Nuclear Safety Alexander Dombrowski took part in the roundtable "From Accountability to justice", which was held at the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine. The event, organized by the Kiev International Energy Q- Club and the Center of Global Studies "Strategy of the 21st century" was a continuation of the discussion of the results of the project "Independent monitoring of resource and financial flows from the production of conventional and unconventional hydrocarbons in Ukraine within the framework of production sharing agreements."
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Adoption of the Law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine concerning the strengthening of the Extractive Industries Transparency in Ukraine" will not only improve the control system by domestic natural resources, but will also help improve the investment climate in the country. This is the conclusion reached by the participants of the round table "Legislative initiatives to strengthen the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative", which took place on April 6 in Kiev.
National Holding Company (NHC) "Uzbekneftegaz" and foreign investors in 2015 will start projects worth 7.1 billion dollars. This is stated in the government program of the country, according to "RIA Novosti". The program includes 39 projects on modernization, technical and technological renewal of production of oil and gas industry. In the structure of sources of capital investments of the total investments, foreign investments and loans amounted to 5.1 billion dollars, own funds - 1.14 billion dollars loan from the Fund for Reconstruction and Development of Uzbekistan - 543.8 million dollars, Uzbek banks - 313.7 million dollars.
Chairman of the board "Naftogaz" Andrew Kobolev said that the Dutch-British oil and gas company Shell may leave another project in Ukraine due to the government's decision to establish an annuity of 55%. He said this in the program "Shuster Live». "As the company Shell, just to clarify. There are several projects, one they really have left because of the war in the east, unfortunately, the project sales, is now open to question whether to continue or not, because the rent and that the government has set very high, "- said Kobolev.
Roman Storozhev, president of the Association "Subsoil users of Ukraine" commented progress in improving access to the geological information and challenges faced by the government in this area.
Cabinet US is now considering the possibility of mining companies the right to begin drilling in the Arctic - in areas of Alaska and in the North Atlantic. As the text developed by the Department of the Interior resolution in the years 2017-2022 is expected to pay to rent a number of corporations engaged in the production of hydrocarbon resources, 10 sites in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, 3, located on the Arctic shelf of Alaska and 1 - in the North Atlantic. Suitable applications for the right to operate these sites were made up to 30 March.
Ukrainian State Geological Institute (UkrDGRI) takes the state geological examination reports on the results of geological study and other geological materials. Cost of thr geological examination - 40 000 UAH.
The New Brunswick government has appointed a commission to study hydraulic fracturing and report back to cabinet within one year on whether the government's conditions for shale gas development can be met. Energy Minister Donald Arseneault says it is "responsible and prudent" for the government to do its due diligence and get more information about hydraulic fracturing. (CBC)